The following document was first drafted from the findings of the MEAA member survey by a committee of MEAA performer members. Performer agents and Casting Directors were then consulted in turn, and the document amended accordingly. The purpose of the suggested guidelines is to standardise the self-tape process in terms of technology, time commitments and self-test expectations, whilst allowing for the best performance possible: a win-win situation for all parties.
The Code of Conduct outlines the principles and standards to which CGA Members are expected to adhere, with the aim of fostering integrity, professionalism, and respect within the industry.
All members of the Casting Guild of Australia (CGA) must abide by our Code of Conduct. Casting Directors must take all reasonable steps to protect the safety and wellbeing of actors they are auditioning, as well as the safety and well-being of their employees and associates.
The CGA Child and Young Persons Safety Policy is designed to inform CGA Members of their obligations in creating a safe and respectful casting environment for children and young people.
A guide and important tool for Casting Directors, ensuring a safe environment for all participants in our industry “Guidelines and Protocols in Relation to Sexual Harassment & Protection of Artists in the Workplace”.
A cast deal memo is an agreement that includes contact information, terms of compensation, and other amenities provided to an individual cast member, such as travel and accommodation expenses and reimbursement. Updated August, 2024
These are currently being updated. Please email admin@castingguild.com.au for any assistance.
This agreement shall constitute the basic terms and conditions of the agreement between the production company and the Casting Director in connection with the development of a feature film.
CGA members strongly believe in a code of conduct by the workshop providers in order to protect the reputation and standing of Casting Directors in the actor community. Many members of the CGA are happy to participate in organised workshops for the development of actors. We require that Workshop Producers abide by our guidelines as drawn up by the CGA and outlined in our letter of agreement. These guidelines were created to support an instructional environment taught by experienced professionals. Members should be contacted individually via the information available on this site.
A letter from the CGA to Actors & Agents including some valuable tips, tricks and advice.
Casting Guild of Australia Ltd and its related and associated bodies corporate maintain a policy of strict confidence concerning your personal information.